Comprehensive Website Maintenance

Comprehensive website maintenance services aim to keep the website running smoothly, securely, and up to date with the latest web standards. It allows website owners to focus on their core business while leaving the technical aspects and regular upkeep of the website to professionals.

Peace of Mind

We take care of all updates, monitoring, troubleshooting, maintenance, security, hosting, backup, upgrades, audits and support.

Regular Software Updates

This involves updating the WordPress core, themes, and plugins to the latest versions. Keeping the software up to date is essential to maintain security and compatibility with the latest web standards.

Regular Backups

Regular backups of the website’s files and database are performed to safeguard against data loss due to accidental deletion, hacking, or other unforeseen events.

Uptime Monitoring

Continuous monitoring of the website’s uptime and response times to identify and address any issues that may affect the site’s availability and performance.

Security Monitoring

Implementing security measures to protect the website from potential threats, malware, hacking attempts, and other security breaches.

Performance Optimization

Optimizing the website’s loading speed and overall performance to ensure a smooth and fast user experience.

SEO Maintenance

Implementing and maintaining basic search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve the website’s visibility in search engine results.

Server Management

Ensuring the hosting environment is properly configured, secure, and performing optimally.

Database Maintenance

Regular database optimization and cleaning to enhance website performance and reduce clutter.

Bug Fixes and Troubleshooting

Addressing and resolving any technical issues, errors, or bugs that arise on the website.

Security Audits

Conducting periodic security audits to identify potential vulnerabilities and implementing measures to address them.

SSL Certificate Management

Ensuring the SSL certificate is up to date and correctly configured to provide a secure connection for users.

Spam Management

Implementing measures to prevent and manage spam comments and submissions.

Compatibility Checks

Ensuring that the website is compatible with different web browsers, devices, and screen sizes.

Analytics and Reporting

Providing regular reports on website performance, security status, and other relevant metrics.

Customer Support

Offering responsive customer support to address any queries or concerns related to the website.

Why Need Website Security

We take website security very seriously as it is one of the best things you can do for your online business. Protecting a website will save you a tremendous number of hours (or even weeks) in the event of an attack.

Unfortunately, website attacks are very common and websites of all sizes are targets.

Did you know:

  • Tens of thousands of websites are hacked everyday
  • Google blacklists nearly 10,000 websites every single day
  • A website can be hacked and redirect visitors to another website without the website owner even knowing anything is wrong?
  • A site’s organic rankings and traffic can disappear if a site is hacked or has malware
  • Most hosting companies don’t take proper or frequent backups of hosted websites and are often even the source of the problem

Not sure if you need website security services?

If you don’t believe website security is required for your website, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What would you do if your website went offline for a week or longer?
  • How much would it cost you to rebuild your website?
  • How much revenue would you lose if your site went down?

How much revenue would you lose if you lost your organic rankings because your site was blacklisted?

Need Expertise?

Our job is to do our best to secure your website and deter hackers.

We implement specific security measures to protect your website and continuously monitor it to help deter attacks and take immediate action in the event of an attack.

This could make a big difference in your website by preventing it from being down for a few minutes versus days or weeks; ensuring your website uptime.

Security Protection

BulletProof Security Protection from Hacker and Spammer

Brute Force Protection

Limit the number of failed login attempts allowed per user with brute force protection. If someone is trying to guess your password, they’ll get locked out after a few attempts.

Malware Scanning

Sucuri SiteCheck uses a 10-point site check to scan your site for known malware, blacklist status, website errors and out-of-date software.

File Change Detection

If someone manages to get into your site, they’ll probably add, remove or change a file. Get email alerts showing any recent file changes so you know if you’ve been hacked.

Strong Password Enforcement

Set which level of users on your site (admins, editors, users, etc.) need to have strong passwords. Strong password enforcement is one of the best ways to lock down your site.

Hide Login & Admin

Change the default URL of your login area so attackers won’t know where to look. This feature is also great to help clients remember their login link.

Lock Out Bad Users

Keep bad users away from your site if they have too many failed login attempts, if they generate too many 404 errors, or if they’re on a bot blacklist.